Female professional volleyball players in action on grand court


 –          Rotate  clockwise or anti-clockwise

–          The boundary line is good/ in

–          Teams rotate each time they  serve. They switch positions.

–          You can not touch the net.

–          The referee judges


 –          Game will be played to 25 points.

–          A team scores a point by grounding the ball on the opponent´s court.

–          To gain the serve.


 –          End line – side line – back boundary line – boundary lines

–          Divided into 2 halves.

–          Back row – front row.


 –          Serving team- opposing team.

–          Attacker (player)

–          To be on offence – The team on defence


 –          Ace: point in the serve

–          Sideout: fault on the serve

–          Roof- Stuff: blocks

–          Dig: Prevent the ball from grounding

–          Kill: Spike with a point.

–          The ball contacts the floor.

–          The player strikes the ball


 –          Serve: underhand and overhand serve, jump serve.

–          Pass or reception: underarm pass or bumps – overhand pass with the fingertips.

–          Block

–          Dig: to prevent the ball from touching one´s court after a spike or attack.

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