Archivo de la categoría: Curriculo

El circo del sol

    En próximas fechas vamos a comenzar una Unidad Didáctica titulada «El circo del Sol». Probablemente hayáis oído hablar de este espectáculo ya que es muy conocido en el mundo entero. Básicamente lo que hacen consiste en crear coreografías en la que un grupo de acróbatas o malabaristas tienen que coordinar unos movimientos utilizando unos materiales y adaptándose a una música. Algo parecido es lo que vamos a hacer nosotros. Haremos grupos, elegiremos unos materiales, utilizaremos una música determinada  y con todo ello crearemos una pequeña coreografía. Como una imagen vale más que mil palabras, aquí tenéis algunos ejemplos de lo que estamos hablando.





Enjoy these amazing videos with 2 exceptional climbers.

[youtube width=»210″ height=»172″][/youtube]

[youtube width=»210″ height=»172″][/youtube]

In addition you can read the english vocabulary related to the unit:

Wall bars

To climb – To go up

To go down

To move around

To move from…… to……

To step on

To turn- To turn around

Point of contact


To take the handky off



It is a game played with a hard ball and bat, between two teams of nine players each.

Baseball is the national game of theUnited States, because it is the most popular sport there. It is played by people of all ages.

The team that scores the most runs (when a batter goes through the bases and home) wins the game.

The pitcher in the defender team throws the ball towards the batter, a player on the attacking team.

The batter tries to hit the ball into the field. If he hits the ball he then runs around the bases.

The defenders in the field try to put him out.

Batters and runners can be put out in many ways.

The catcher tries to catch the ball thrown by the pitcher when the batter doesn´t want to hit the ball or can´t hit it.

The umpire decides if the ball thrown by the pitcher went through the right zone (over the base and in between the knees and shoulders of the batter).


Here you can watch an interesting video about baseball


Flying saucer (frisbee)

Here you can watch 2 amazing videos about frisbees. Enjoy them.



In addittion you can see some english vocabulary related to the unit:


The game start with a pull towards the opponent team while shouting “ultimate”. There is a draw to decide who start the game.

The player who takes the frisbee can not run or walk and only have 10 seconds to throw the frisbee. They can only move one foot. The time is counted by one opponente player. The defender must, at least, stay three metres from the attacker.

Your team scores a point when a player takes the frisbee in the end zone.

If the frisbee drops the game goes on.

Interesting words:

Throw away




out of bounds

Stalls (if the player does not throw tehe frisbee in ten minutes time).