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KORFBALL 3º, 4º, 5º AND 6º LEVEL

Here,  you can read and listen to the video about the korfball rules.



The playing surface is rectangular, having dimensions of 40×20 m if
performs in covered pavilion and 60×30 m if it is outdoors. The field of play is
divided into two equal parts by the center line of the playing field. He
Penalty point must be located frontally to the basket and at a distance of 2.5 m
Resultado de imagen de CAMPO DE BALONKORF

The posts have a cylindrical shape, 4.5 to 8 cm. of diameter, composed of
different materials (wood or metal) and are located in the longitudinal axis of the
field of play The baskets also have a cylindrical shape and
are characterized by the absence of network and any type of material that is located in the
bottom of the basket. The material most used for its manufacture is the wicker, although
also some kind of synthetic material is used, using colors that
contrast with that of the playing surface (usually intense yellow). The
Baskets have a diameter ranging from 39 to 41 cm. and its upper edge is
located at 3,50 m. ground. They are located on the poles, inside the field of play
and at a distance of 6.60 m from the bottom lines.

 The ball

The balonkorf is played with a ball of number 5, using two colors,
preferably black and white. The circumference oscillates between 68 and 70.5 cm. and weight
is between 425 and 475 grams.


Each team consists of 10 players, but they go out to play 8 (4 players and 4 players) for each team, leaving 2 as reserves. Of the 8 players that participate for each team, 4 are distributed in both zones. In both attack and defense zones, there are two players and two players per team.
Two substitutions are allowed per team and always maintaining the same number of players and players. That substituted player will not be able to rejoin the game.
5. Duration of the game
A match of balonkorf lasts 60 minutes, divided in 2 parts of 30 minutes each, with a rest of 10 minutes between both periods. Each team has 2 dead times, 60 sec. each, per party.

Specific aspects of the game

1. Characteristics of the game
1. It is a mixed sport
2. There is a complete rotation of role change (attack and defense)
3. The rules are designed to favor collaboration between team members
4. Differences in physical condition are diminished
5. The participation of the different sexes is carried out under equal conditions
6. To achieve success in the plays must necessarily rely on the partners
7. Does not require special or expensive equipment
8. The situations of teaching and learning are of great wealth
9. The aggressiveness is very controlled in this sport
10. Encourages the relationship between the sexes

 Purpose of the game

The balonkorf consists of introducing a ball completely through the basket of the opposing team, worth each point 1. The team that obtains the most points at the end of the playing time, will be considered winner of the match.
3. Development of the game
to. Initial draw
The kick-off shall be made by an attacking player from the center of the pitch at the beginning of the match, at the beginning of the second period and after each point.
b. Changing Zones and Function
There is a change of zones and function when there is an accumulation of even points between both teams: defensive players become attackers and vice versa. After the rest period, the frame is changed
of attack and will be attacked in the zone opposite to that of the first period without change of function.


Below we will cite the rules that we consider are more important to know and put into practice the game:
to. Prohibitions Touching the ball with the foot or leg intentionally Playing the ball with the fist Taking possession of the ball in a «fallen» position Running or walking with the ball but «pivoting» Play individually with the ball (dribble) Deliver the ball to a partner of the form «hand to hand» Delay the game unnecessarily Hitting or removing the ball from the opponent’s hands Pushing, hitting or obstructing an opponent Defending an opponent of the opposite sex Defending an opponent who is already being defended Throw the basket from the zone of influence Influence in a throw to basket moving the pole To move or to grab of the pole to take advantage To retain the ball more than 4 seconds To play outside of its own zone Throw to the basket with some support on the ground

Ball off

It is considered to be ball out in the moment it touches the outside line of the pitch, the ground, a person, the roof or an object that is off the playing field. When some of these situations occur, a «free kick» must be taken against the team that was last touching the ball and in the same place where the ball came from.

Here you can check your marks in the physical tests. Don´t worry if you are bad in some tests. We are different and it is really difficult to be good at everything.




SB 9 N 9,30 B 9,60 SUF 10 INS


SB 9,30 N 9,60 B 10 SUF 10,30 INS



SB 37 N 33 B 30 SUF 27 INS



SB 850 N 800 B 750 SUF 700 INS


SB 800 N 750 B 700 SUF 650 INS



SB 4 N 3,70 B 3,40 SUF 3 INS


SB 3,70 N 3,40 B 3 SUF 2.70 INS




SB 8,50 N 8,80 B 9,10 SUF 9,50 INS


SB 8,80 N 9,10 B 9,40 SUF 9,80 INS



SB 37 N 33 B 30 SUF 27 INS



SB 900 N 850 B 800 SUF 750 INS


SB 850 N 800 B 750 SUF 700 INS



SB 4,5 N 4,2 B 3,9 SUF 3,5 INS


SB 4,2 N 3,9 B 3,5 SUF 3 INS


Here you can check your marks in the physical tests. Don´t worry if you are bad in some tests. We are different and it is really difficult to be good at everything.




Excellent 8 Good 8,5 OK 9 Bad


Excellent 8,2 Good 8,7 OK 9.2 Bad


Boys and girls

Excellent 37 Good 32 OK 27 Bad



Excellent 1000 Good 950 OK 900 Bad


Excellent 900 Good 850 OK 800 Bad



Excellent 3.7 Good 3.2 OK 2.7 Bad


Excellent 3.4 Good 2.9 OK 2.4 Bad





Excellent 7.5 Good 8 OK 8.5 Bad


Excellent 7.7 Good 8,2 OK 8.7 Bad


Boys and girls

Excellent 37 Good 32 OK 27 Bad



Excellent 1050 Good 1000 OK 950 Bad


Excellent 950 Good 900 OK 850 Bad



Excellent 4 Good 3.2 OK 2.7 Bad


Excellent 3.7 Good 3.2 OK 2.7 Bad


En las próximas sesiones vamos a recordar algunos de esos juegos muy antiguos a los que jugaban nuestros abuelos y que, por desgracia, poco a poco van desapareciendo. Verás que algunos de esos juegos te resultan conocidos y que incluso los has practicado. Sin embargo, otros, los desconocerás ya que en los últimos años se está produciendo un excesivo protagonismo de algunos juegos y deportes debido, en parte, a la influencia de la televisión y la publicidad.

Pese a todo lo señalado vas a poder comprobar lo divertidos que resultan estos juegos y además vamos a hacernos una idea de cómo se divertían antiguamente. Veremos también algunos aspectos que van unidos a estos juegos (costumbres, tradiciones, canciones que los acompañan, etc.).

Los juegos de este tipo que vamos a recordar son muy variados:

– Hay muchos juegos de carrera como las carreras con pies juntos, a la pata coja, de carretilla, de burros, policía y ladrones, marro, la cadena, las 4 esquinas, la araña, el cortahilos, la peste,……

– Son también numerosos los juegos de esconderse, entre los que podemos citar el escondite, el bote-bote, carabi-caraba, el chocolate inglés, ……

– De todos son conocidos los juegos de saltos como el de “a la una ……”,el correcalles, el llamado chorro morro, churro o también burro con el conocido “churro, media manga, manga entera o patatón” o formulas similares.


A la una anda la mula
A las dos el reloj
A las tres Pepito, Manolito y Andrés
A las cuatro un buen salto
A las cinco un buen brinco
A las seis merendé
A las siete pan y leche
A las ocho un bizcocho
A las nueve empina la bota y bebe
A las diez otra vez
A las once llama el conde
A las doce le responde
A las trece ya amanece
A las catorce ya es de día y empieza otra vez la vuelta sin parar todo el día.

Unit about Recycled Material. 5º and 6º

This unit explores the use of self – made material as a resource to enhance the possibilities of the Cooperative Learning model. The process of constructing and sharing equipment fosters the five critical elements of Cooperative Learning in physical education. When students are asked to build a piece of equipment with their mates or parents, they are guided into a face – to – face interaction process. Consequently, interpersonal skills are developed through group processing in order to solve contingencies. The challenge of the task implies individual accountability, because students must create low – cost, efficient equipment for the group. Once built, these self – made material can be integrated in physical education sessions like conventional equipment, with all the advantages that the process of construction has generated (creativity, active learning, students centred – learning, social learning).

In today´s sustainability – oriented curriculum the mantra is reduce, reuse and recycle in every aspect of our life. Over the past forty years, different authors have worked on the idea of employing ´use or old´ materials to create equipment for physical education or recreation. All them were talking about ´found´, ´throw away´, ´non – traditional´ or ´recycled´ material that are not difficult to adapt and use in physical education.

With this in mind, the first pillar of this ´homemade´ approach to physical education equipment is the idea of raising ecological awareness in the school community. Thus, the goal would be to increase the student´s consciousness of the physical environment, so they could become sustainability – oriented.

The second pillar of this approach is the scarcity and over cost of materials in physical education as a result of limited budgets. It is considered that activities are often inequitably chosen due t the absence of material resources, which in turn, affects students and their movement experiences. Therefore, the quantity and quality of a school´s equipment can detrimentally influence the excellence of its physical education curriculum. Moreover, in many cases, large classes and the lack of enough equipment prevent children from having time to practice and improve their psychomotor skills.

With this Unit, Students will:
• construct their own materials.
• get physical exercise as they learn about local recycling efforts.
• learn about the importance of recycling.
• raise ecological awareness as social values.
• understand that money doesn´t mean everything.

In order to develop this unit, students must build these materials. To make easier the comprehension, materials are described in spanish language.

Suaviball: Bote de suavizante, lejía o detergente que tenga asa. Se recorta la parte de abajo del envase para que quede un hueco en esa parte. Hay que pulir la zona cortada y decorarlo.


Pelotas: Introducir arroz en una bolsa. Meter esa bolsa en un globo y luego en otro globo. Poner cinta aislante alrededor de los globos para evitar posibles roturas.12


Yogurball: En un envase de yogur, se hace un pequeño agujero en la parte de debajo. A continuación se pasa un cordón o hilo y se hacen varios nudos. En el otro extremo del cordón se coloca una bola o tapón de botella.



Bolos: Con botellas de plástico decoradas. Introducir la misma cantidad de arena en todas.



Juego de los aros: Sobre una base se pega un cartón de papel de cocina. Posteriormente, se decora. Los aros pequeños se pueden realizar recortando cartones o platos de cocina de plástico.



Mazas: Se introduce un palo de madera o plástico en un envase. Reforzar y decorar.





U.D TENNIS 4º, 5º AND 6º

A game of tennis is played by hitting-striking the ball in a way that an opponent can not return it. It´s played on a rectangular court by two (singles) or four (doubles) persons.


The court is divided across the middle by a net.


A tennis game starts with the server tossing the ball into the air and hitting it with a racquet. The receiver returns the ball.

If a ball touches the line it is OK.

At the end of each game the receiver get into the server and the server get into the receiver.

The ball can bounce once.


Ball, racquet,


(a player can win o lose the point).

First point -15

Second point-30

Third point-40

Fourth point-game

If each player wins three points, the score is “Deuce”. After deuce the score is advantage.

The player who wins 6 games gets a set.


Draw, heads or tails, left or hand side, service, server, good luck, cheer up, come on, go for it, you are the best.

VOLLEY 5º-6º




–          Rotate  clockwise or anti-clockwise

–          The boundary line is good/ in

–          Teams rotate each time they  serve. They switch positions.

–          You can not touch the net.

–          The referee judges


–          Game will be played to 25 points.

–          A team scores a point by grounding the ball on the opponent´s court.

–          To gain the serve.


–          End line – side line – back boundary line – boundary lines

–          Divided into 2 halves.

–          Back row – front row.


–          Serving team- opposing team.

–          Attacker (player)

–          To be on offence – The team on defence


–          Ace: point in the serve

–          Sideout: fault on the serve

–          Roof- Stuff: blocks

–          Dig: Prevent the ball from grounding

–          Kill: Spike with a point.

–          The ball contacts the floor.

–          The player strikes the ball


–          Serve: underhand and overhand serve, jump serve.

–          Pass or reception: underarm pass or bumps – overhand pass with the fingertips.

–          Block

–          Dig: to prevent the ball from touching one´s court after a spike or attack.

HANDBALL 4º, 5º and 6º

It,s a game played with a small ball, between two teams of seven players.

The team that scores most goals, wins the match.

Each team is :

– a defender team (try to bother or obstruct the opponent-adversary team)

– and an attacking team (try to score a goal and  pass the ball at your playmates)


The playing court has two goal areas and a playing area.

The goals are inside the goal area and must have a net.

RULES – FOULS (a team commits a violation of rules).

  • The players avoid to enter the goal area (except for the goalkeeper)
  • Two many steps without bouncing
  • Holding the ball more than 3 seconds.
  • Holding or pushing or hitting the opponent player.


  • Throw in
  • Free – throw
  • The goalkeeper throw
  • The 7-meter throw
  • The throw off (at the start the game, each half, after a goal)